Tuesday, March 12, 2019


I just took a look at the AWTY stats.

This post right here is blog post #2001!

My first post hit the internet on August 30, 2007.

The most popular post of all time was Good Shepherd Sunday, from April, 2010: 37,495 page views.

Second in line, with far fewer (7,408 page views), was You Don't Look Like You've Had Ten Kids.

AWTY stats calculate the all-time views to date at 583,706. Homeric.

Today so far, it's reportedly had 91 visitors.

Crazy. Humbling. And a little scary. It's rather a responsibility knowing so many people have read my words -- or at the very least looked at my pictures (because I suspect a good number of my page views come from image searches) -- and that folks continue to stumble by. I  hope and pray that it's all been to the good. (grimace) I'm pretty silly sometimes. But, one way or another, thank you for stopping in! Now do, please, sign the guest-book. (winking) It means a lot to hear from you in the comments. I hate monologuing! Don't be shy; just say hi!

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