Saturday, March 9, 2019

Easy Peasy


If It's Not Hard You're Not Doing It Right

Most Lents I give up coffee. And sweets. And television. Plus a couple small things that I change around from year to year. On top of the traditional fast and abstinence required: meat only once a day at the main meal every day (and of course, Friday is always meatless), just two small snack-meals twice a day (not to equal the main meal), and no nibbling in-between. Easy peasy. No biggie. Or well, it's a biggie, but I'm used to it. I've come to expect it.  It's a challenge I don't ever really look forward to, but after more than thirty years of practice, it's doable.

But this year. Ugh.  I don't know about this year. I'm on a special diet: no dairy, no gluten, no fun. And suddenly doable is difficult. I'm having to do Lent for reals this year. No comfortable rut. Not like I'm complaining. Do I sound like I'm complaining? Well, maybe I am a little. Let's call it consternation. I'm having to adjust my antenna. And it's difficult difficult lemon difficult.

Which is a good thing. It's supposed to be or what's the point?

Prayers, love, and unity salute, fellow Lenten trudgers tryng not to leave marks in the carpet from dragging our feet. I'm looking behind me for evidence of exertion, but as crosses go, mine's not heavy enough to leave a mark.


  1. Three days down, only 37 more to go.

  2. LAUGHING WITH YOU! Love the trying not to leave tracks in carpet, but even if it wasn't feet, it might be dragging a cross!

  3. No crown without the cross, right?! Hang in there!

  4. Haha! Thanks, y'all. We can do this thing. He did infinitely more.

  5. Does anyone else have one day up and one day down? Seems that's my life . And fasting..can't, but get pretty darn close, I hope. Down day here. Not getting much done .

  6. Ditto, Anne. It's a battery charging problem here, I think. I need a new battery. Some days it's a Lenten sacrifice just getting out of bed. Some days I can do (and not do) all the things like a spiritual triathlete. And I pat myself on the back -- and then pass out. ;) (Which sacrifice, I imagine, being a greater humility, is a better one in the long run. But I hate it.)


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