Thursday, February 7, 2019

The French Have a Word for it

Hi! Hello? Is anyone out there? See me over here waving? It's me? Remember me?

I know, right? It's been a long separation. I haven't written a blog post since June of 2016.  That's more than two and a half years! Crazy. But the time has flown.

Our homeschool now has ten alumni,
seven graduates, only three still
in school -- but no longer at home.
More on that later.
It's been a wild couple of years (you have no idea!) and we've been busy, but I've missed blogging! And I've missed the blogging community that used to exist for Mom-bloggers in my narrow niche -- and it is a slim little crevice of a niche. Catholic. Homeschoolers. Mothers of a large family. With time to write about it all. They're still out there. Lots of them! But in blogland?  I'm not sure the same kind of give-and-take community exists any more; I think it may have been superseded by other social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), but  I thought it was time to renew the habit, regardless. It's always nice to have readership and conversation, but I can live without it. (Don't take me too seriously, though. Seriously. Read. Come back. Comment. Tell your friends!)

Don't doubt it for a second.
This little blog has stretched out across eight years, eight moves, a couple weddings, a couple grandbabies, hundreds of feast days, holidays, recipes, silly memes, funny little family incidents, and even a handful of serious thoughts. It was an amazing time capsule for our family between August 2007 and June 2016 -- just short of nine years! I'm a little sad that it'll have a big gap between June 2016 and now, but I hope I'll be able to continue after this post and get into my old habits, sharing now about the transition from big-Catholic-family-homeschool Mom of a bazillion small children to big-Catholic-family Mom of teenagers, young adults, married couples, and Religious -- and grandmother to a growing menagerie of (crazyfunnybeautiful) grandchildren.

'Cause, why not? It's a good exercise for me, writing stuff down. I enjoy it.  And, seriously, you never know: maybe some day my grandchildren will stumble across these cyber-pages like Howard Carter happening upon King Tut's tomb  (maybe that's a bad analogy, considering the  curse and everything), but still, they might find something of interest to them in these cyber pages. Under tons of sand, you sometimes find gold. Or pictures of your parents when they were twelve that they'd rather you didn't see.

* Coming up: Catching up! (Stay tuned.)

Me and Dan, this past summer. On the Av. des Champs-Elysees.
More on that later. Lots to tell!


  1. I was so happy to see that you were back. Thank you.

  2. Hooray! One of my favorite authors is back. Keep it up dear heart.

  3. Welcome back. We've all missed you!!!

  4. Woohoo! Comments!
    Thank you, you guys! Some of those most dearto my heart right here on the back step right now! Thank you!

  5. Yay! I'm so glad you're back!!! You go, girl!

  6. Looking forward to reading, Lisa!
    I think all of us mothers with younger ones can agree we need allll the help raising little saints and cultivating joy in these “early years” that are already flying by.


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