Thursday, February 28, 2019

On the Mark

So, I go out on the front porch to check on my Snow Warrior Princess who's shooting archery practice in the snow parallel to the front of the house.

I check to be sure the Snow Warrior Princes is dressed warmly enough, then check out the target. There are five or six arrows clustered all around the bulls' eye, and I'm like: Dang, Anna! I'm gonna get a picture of this. 

And I turn toward the door, but she stops me.

And she's like: No! That's not good at all! I'm only shooting at ten meters and it's not good unless they're inside that second ring.

I stammer something like: Crazy girl. Looks pretty impressive to me! I sure couldn't do that!

And she says: But I can! I'll tell you when you can take a picture.

But, I'm cold (It's like 2* out there!) and don't hang around to watch as she practices and practices, then finally comes in with frozen toes and runny nose, still not satisfied.

She'll go out again tomorrow afternoon, sure shootin'.

And I share this because this, my friends, is all you need to know about living life well:

You've gotta work and work and work. Even when the circumstances aren't optimal. Don't judge your progress by other people. Never be satisfied with less than perfection, even if you suspect you might never actually reach it. And never give up. Even when your toes are frozen and your nose is runny. Because you can count on your Mom to warm up your toes and hand you a Kleenex. And it's the working and trying and persisting in the hardest times that make you strong and able through hard and easy. Something our ancestors knew that we've forgotten in our soft days.

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