Saturday, February 9, 2019

Making Peace with Coffee

Those reports you read about coffee being good for you? Do you believe them?

I'm almost as skilled as a liberal economist at living in a state of denial, but I have to be honest about this thing. I know I'd probably be better off  -- health-wise -- without coffee. I won't bore you or depress myself with the list of reasons. Sigh... It is what it is.  And I'm not shy about admitting that I'm sitting here with a cup at my elbow as I type. Mental health counts for something, right?

I have a new doctor that's helping me kick Lyme's, and I think she understands this. I liked her from the first moment I laid eyes on her; she's a wonderfully cute and upbeat little thing. And so smart! (As an aside, how crazy is it, y'all who are my age, when your doctor is the age of your children? It's not that you take them any less seriously, but you have to refrain from calling them "dearie"...) Anyway, Dr. J and I were going over my diet the other day (I'm on a fairly strict version of the Paleo diet right now), and I didn't really want to know, but in the spirit of at least appearing to be serious about a cure, I asked her: "So... What about coffee? Will I have to give it up?"

Her eyes followed the dotted line my eyes were making to the half-consumed cup of joe next to her laptop. She sighed, fixed me with a telling look of  impending doom, and said, (insert dramatically low cello notes here) "Not. Yet."

I grimaced. She laughed. It wasn't funny.

Lent is coming.


  1. Good to hear from you again; sorry to hear about the lyme disease. Hope all is well! :)

  2. Yes! Hi, Holly! Everything is going fine. Finding that the more I attempt to relax and do as much of *nothing* as possible in this healing journey, the more things find me that I need to do... ;) Obviously God's will so it's all good. God knows I'm a free agent these days and am able to help people out with things with no homeschoolers at home to worry about. I hope all is well with you and that you're keeping busy and happy!

  3. Bad for my PH and stomach. Can't say I cherish the thought of giving it up, though. 😔

    1. Ugh. Me, neither... That's what makes it so good to offer up for Lent, though. ;)


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