Monday, February 11, 2019

How a Few Minutes Reverberate into Eternity

When time and talent are given to God.

Priceless in our memories!

This little video was recorded after Kevin and Ina's nuptial high Mass in Uberlingen, Germany, at the Franziskanerkirche (Franciscan Church). It was a mixed choir, about half Americans and half Germans, directed by Dominic (child #4) and Kevin's good German friend, Andreas Heine. A little bit of heaven on earth.


  1. Says not available.. Is it just me?

  2. Hm. It's showing in my 'puter. Let me investigate.

  3. Try going straight to Youtube, Anne?

    1. Nope .not sure why. Says vid is unavailable.. oh well. I have to mortify my ears..hahaha

    2. I can't figure it out. It comes up for both my computer and my phone. Doggonit. I wiwond if anyone else is having a problem. I'll ask around.

  4. Oh man, I really wanted to hear this! Is there maybe a copyright issue somehow? I've had that happen to me on YouTube. You can see it but somewhere in a corner it says it can't be public due to some infringement. Though obviously I don't know why that would be the case with this video! Hope you can get it up, I've really wanted to see videos from the mass!

  5. Yeah, that's too bad about YouTube. It was an amazing choir in an amazing setting.

  6. I'm going over there to figure it out if possible... :( Say a prayer!


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