Monday, December 21, 2015

Filed Under: Best Days

On December 15th, following the ordination of Fr. Robert Letourneau and the subdiaconate ceremony of Frater Francis Crawford, we got the chance to invite Frater Francis' family over for a little tea and conversation.  Our good friend, Dan Hansen, grandpa emeritus of our parish, joined Frater Francis' grandpa for the event -- perhaps the first tea part either had attended!  And they fit right in like they'd been doing the toast and tea circuit their whole lives.  :)  It was a wonderful time!

You can see here (clockwise), Mari Crawford (far left), Gabe, Cathy,
Dan Hansen, Maddie, Hannah, and "Grandpa." 
Our friend and neighbor and all around great guy, Dan Hansen, with
pirouette cookie cigar, cutting up with Maddie Crawford.
Frater Francis Crawford's Grandpa (we just call him "Grandpa")
enjoying the menu: deviled eggs, curried chicken
sandwiches, cucumber and tomato sandwiches, meat
"roll-ups," cherry and cranberry scones with lemon
curd and mock Devonshire cream, and a variety of
"boughten" cookies, plus orange spice and English
Breakfast tea.
"I'm making out like a bandit over here!"

Hanna gets in the picture a little better in this shot!

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