Tuesday, June 30, 2015

This Little Girl's Birthday Today!

Where does time fly?

Such a happy baby girl.
Michelle seldom cried. She had a neat
trick of twirling her pacifier around in her
mouth without using her hands.  It made
her famous in our circles.

Our little pumpkin. Our first baby girl.
She was so cute and sweet, we were legitimately
worried she'd grow up with a vanity problem,
so many people stopped us to comment on
how beautiful she was

But the compliments didn't go to
her head.  She stayed sweet, was
always a good little girl loved her
faith and her family, and her many
parish friends.

But she was no girly-girl. She was a little farm girl
and quite the tomboy out on the hobby
farm in Byers with her four big brothers --
and, as time went on, her three little sisters --
and two baby brothers -- plus numerous dogs,
cats, chickens, goats, pigs, and the occasional
cow or horse.
In 6th grade, the family left the farm in Byers and moved
 to Western Colorado where Michelle got to attend Catholic
 school for the first time at Holy Guardian Angels.
Having been home taught her whole life, this required
 an adjustment, but Michelle prospered, got to attend daily Mass,

 was the top of her class, and made many friends --
most especially our beloved CMRI Sisters.

Then, following the zigzagging path of the Divine
Will, she found herself back in Byers with the family,
 where she decided, with Mom and Dad's blessing,
to try out the Mater Dei boarding school in Omaha.
Again, she thrived, graduating a year early, and
making many more lifelong friends.

Then, back in Western Colorado once again...
she learned to drive. And somewhere about this time
she met a young man named Ben while on a road trip
to California with her brothers.
She started texting with this guy, Ben....
Then moved in with her brother, Paul, and his family in
California to see if God had anything in mind for the

two of them.  And I guess He did, because, as you see...

 the rest is history.
June 13th,2015.  Meet Mr. and Mrs. Ben Landsgaard.

Our Baby Girl
20 years old today!

Grown up and married.
Still as beautiful as ever and just as sweet.

We love you, Shell, so very much!
Happy, Happy Birthday!!

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