Monday, April 27, 2015

St. Mark's Day Blessings

Started here:
Blessing of a Farm
(This prayer may be said to obtain God's blessing on a farm with its buildings or for the farmhouse alone.)
Bless, O Lord, Almighty God, this house (or this farm). May health and purity, goodness and meekness, and every virtue reign here. May all those who dwell here be filled with faithfulness to Thy law and with thanksgiving to God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. May this blessing remain on this house (or this farm) and all who dwell here. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Here we have Dan leading a gang of children out for the St. Mark's Day (Rogation Day) blessings.  Theresa took pictures since I didn't get to be there (bless her), but some of the girls' bffs were on hand to take my place, Our friends from Mater Dei, Monica F., Olivia S., and  Carolina B, took the hike around the four corners and did us the favor of helping pray our property safe.  Thanks, girls! .
After the blessings of the livestock, the well, and the garden, Dan and the kids processed around the outer perimeter of our property while praying the Litany of the Saints.  They stopped at each corner (north, south, east and west) to fasten a specially prepared staff, to which we fasten a tiny vial of holy water and a blessed palm with ribbon. Here we see the Litany of the Saints paused near the southeast corner of the property, up at the top of the driveway.  In the mud and drizzle..
Here, we go now...  'round by the front creek toward the northeastern corner...
Blessing of the livestock.  Right now all we've got is chickens.  And cats.  And one big sweet St. Bernard.
Blessing of All Domestic Animals
Lord God, King of heaven and earth, Thou the Word of the Father by whom all creatures were
given us for our support; look down, we beseech Thee, on our lowliness. As Thou hast given us
these animals to assist us in our labors and needs, so mayest Thou in thy great goodness and
mercy bless them from above, guard and preserve them; and, while Thou givest thy servants
temporal benefits, mayest Thou grant us Thy continual grace so that we may praise Thy holy
name with thanksgiving. Amen.
Blessing of the well.  (Need to have someone pick up all those wood scraps over there!)

Blessing of a Water Supply
O Lord, Almighty God, who hast given us an ample supply of water, led off by pipes from this source, grant that, by Thy assistance and blessing and our cooperation, every diabolical attack and confusion may be kept off and that this water supply may always be pure and uncontaminated.  Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Blessing of a Spring or Well
We cry without ceasing, O Lord, to Thy Fatherly goodness that Thou wouldst sanctify this fountain of water with Thy heavenly blessing and make it suitable for every use.  Drive from it every influence of the devil so that whoever draws from it or drinks this water may enjoy good health and full vigor, and give praise and thanks to Thee, the Preserver and
Sanctifier of all things.  Through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Processing around the north side of the property, heading along the cornfields toward the northwest corner.
It was pretty wet and muddy I'm told.

Blessing of Pasture, Meadows, and Fields
(This solemn blessing may be said by a priest some time before cattle are put on the pasture for
summer. If the father of the family is offering this blessing, the second paragraph can be
O God, through whom every good thing has its beginning, and through whom it is improved
and increased; grant, we beseech Thee, to us who cry to Thee, that this work, which we are
beginning for the praise of Thy name, may be happily brought to completion through the never
failing gift of Thy fatherly wisdom. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Almighty, eternal God, Thou hast given to Thy priests a special grace so that we may be sure
that whatever is worthily done by them in Thy name is done also by Thee. We beseech Thy
clemency that Thou wouldst visit what we now vist, that Thou wouldst bless what we now bless,
and that Thou would'st sstretch forth Thy mighty right arm over that which we now do, and that
by the merits and intercession of Thy saints and this entrance of our humble persons, the
demons may be put to flight and the angel of peace may enter in. Through Christ our Lord.
The Litany of the Saints is inserted here, followed by:
Send forth Thy spirit and they shall be created; And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.  For the Lord will give goodness; and our earth shall yield her fruit.
We humbly beseech Thy clemency O Lord, that Thou wouldst render these fields (pastures, meadows) fertile with rains in due season, that Thou wousdst fill them with Thy blessing, and so grant that Thy people may be ever thankful for Thy gifts.  Take infertility from the earth and fill the hungry with Thy gifts which the fruitful earth will yield in fullness that the poor and needy may raise the name of Thy glory, forever and ever. Amen.
Coming around the southwest corner... (To the left are the horse stalls, to the right, the back of the chicken house and the woodshed. In case you wondered what all these outbuildings are...)
That you 'Squatch?
Did you see that?

The Solemn Exorcism of Harmful Animals
I conjure you mice (worms, sails, snakes, spiders, lice, ticks, etc.) in the name of 
God, the Almighty Father, of Jesus Christ, His only Son, and of the Holy Spirit who
proceeds from both, that yu go out from these fields and pastures and remain no
more in them, but depart for places where you can harm no one.  In the name of God,
the Almighty, of the whole heavenly court, and of God's holy Church, I declare you
accursed wherever you go so that you will become fewer day by day.  May no part of 
you be found again, unless it be for man's welfare.  May He graciously grant this, who
will come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire.

* Note: Any prayer that is called an "exorcism" must be performed by a specially authorized priest.  
You could pray this prayer of course, but not perhaps to the same effect.

Through the jungle...
Under the pear tree..
Blessing of Orchards and Vineyards
We beseech Thee, Almighty God, in Thy goodness, to pour down Thy blessings on these
young shoots and sprouts which Thou wouldst grow into mature fruit.  Grant to Thy people
that they may always be permitted to grow, with due sunshine and rain, and make them gifts which the fruitful earth produces in fullness so that the poor and needy may praise Thy glory.  Amen.

And back to the driveway.
Where Olivia shows us the fruits of the afternoon's work:  really muddy sneakers...
and the satisfaction of helping her adopted Nebraska family stay safe, healthy. and well fed..

WOOT!  Are we ever blessed now!

* Awesome photo of Monica snapped by Theresa.  Seriously need to make a series of captions to go with this...
* Please forgive the wonky spacing of this post.  I tried and tried to fix it -- but to no avail!  (Frustrating!)

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