Saturday, March 28, 2015

Happy Happy Birthday to This Guy...

Our wonderful, handsome, charming, and pious son, Frater Philip!

(What? Me, biased?  Ya think?)

Frater's in Oklahoma for the weekend with his brother Dominic (and Fr. G. and Frater Francis), helping out with the choir in the mission church there for Palm Sunday.  He's just that kind of guy, ya know.  Even if he weren't obliged to make the trip out of obedience, being a Religious, he'd go anyway if he knew they needed him.  And there are few people out there who can bring a choir along more nicely than Frater Philip.  He's an amazing musician - a talented director - a patient teacher.  Plus he's just a lot of fun.  I'm jealous of the Oklahoma parish this weekend!  They get to have our boy for his birthday!  But I know they'll treat him well.  They always do.  :)  I think they kinda like him, too.  Naturally.   (No, not biased. Really.  And he'll never see this, so I can brag on him.  ;))

We're all looking forward to seeing Frater here at home, if not Easter day, at least Easter week!  Then we can give him more birthday presents (already gave him one) -- of the edible variety because it will be a feasting week and no longer Lent!  Woot!

* Please pray for Frater Philip and all his fellow seminarians.  They are the future of our Holy Faith, No priests, no Sacraments.  No seminarians, no priests...  I know they appreciate all the prayers they can get!  Thank-you!

And now... I hope you'll indulge me (especially since it's still Lent and everything... ) But, in honor of FraPhi's birthday, I'm letting a little wishful thinking spill into this post.  A little day dream I'm having... A little hope that someone will exercise some charity... Can you smell the cinnamon?  Can't you just imagine the butter and glaze melting down your chin...?  Is your mouth watering like mine right now?  Wouldn't you just die for a bite of one of Frater's cinnamon rolls?

Suppose somebody around here might get the idea to make these Easter week...?  Hmmmm?

What better way to break the Lenten fast?  That's what I'm sayin....

Seminarian Cinnamon Rolls
Recipe compliments of super chef, Frater Philip

For one pan (regular size cookie sheet) of app. 1 dozen rolls.

In mixer bowl, mix together:
2 cups warm water
1 Tbs dry yeast
1 Tbs sugar
1 Tsp salt
* Gradually add app 4 1/2 additional cups of flour
 into mixer with dough hook attached.
* Mix until it starts to come together, then add about
1/4 cup oil (any oil not too heavy tasting).
* Roll dough flat, but not too thin. Should be about 12"x12" square.
* Soften (nice and soft, but not melted) a whole stick of butter and spread it evenly over the dough.
* Sprinkly generously with cinnamon/sugar (mixed 3:1)
* Roll up.  Take a piece of ordinary string, loop it under the dough, about 1" from the end; twist over the top and pull, to cut the dough cleanly.
* Repeat until 12 rolls are cut. (Can be more, depending on size of rolls).
* Grease pan, and place rolls fairly close together.  Cover and set on stove to rise while oven preheats to 325.
* Once risen, bake for approximately 20 minutes, until lightly browned.

* DO NOT overcook.

1 stick butter -- room temperature (optional)
8 oz package cream cheese -- room temperature
2 - 3 cups powdered sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla, almond, or orange extract

* Using mixer (or beating vigorously with fork), mix the butter and cream cheese together (or just the cream cheeese alone), about 3 minutes on medium speed until nice and smooth.

* Add the extract and mix. Slowly add the powdered sugar. Keep adding until you get to the sweetness and thickness you like.

* Spread on cinnamon rolls with a blunt knife or spatula.


And, let me tell you, folks -- not because I'm his mom and I have a sweet tooth,  though I certainly do -- but, seriously, these cinnamon rolls are ambrosia!  If nobody else volunteers, I guess I'm gonna have to make them, my own self.  ;)

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