Friday, February 20, 2015

Scrivener - n. 1. One who scribes

I recently downloaded a free 30-day trial for Scrivener, a writer's program that's supposed to make it easier to pen long documents.   The tutorial, alone, takes 30 days to get through...

And so far I can't make heads nor tails of it.   I think it really is my brain that needs the upgrade.



  1. My kids have been using Scrivener for over a year now and they love it! We did the 30 day trial and my novel writing daughter loved it so much she purchased it with her own money (actually, I think we split the cost with her). I myself have never tried it so I can't help you, but if you have any questions, they'd be happy to help!

  2. Charlotte, I'm still working my way through and have yet to actually "put it to the test"... :) I'm hoping that when I actually sit down to *use* Scrivener, it'll all come together and make sense! If not, I at least know who to contact. Thank-you! :)


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