Monday, January 5, 2015

The Creche, 2014/15

Since we have so little room in this country cottage to spread out with a large elaborate Nativity scene, we decided to make use of vertical space and build a large elaborate Nativity scene up the living room wall.  Dominic, as usual, was the chief architect, though everyone pretty much got in on the process -- especially on the creative placement of hidden objects that the Littles are turning into an Eye-Spy challenge, complete with a search poem. (Still not finished yet -- I'll try to remember to post when it's complete!)

But, for posterity...  (I say that a lot, don't I?)

Here you see the big picture of the Davis Nativity diorama for this year.  The little cheap camera we are stuck with have right now doesn't pick up the light properly; the effect is much better in real life.  Since I had to use a flash the blue of the sky doesn't look quite right, the stars don't twinkle properly, and you can't appreciate the shadows of the interiors.  But you can get an idea, right?

It was too complicated to take the TV down -- and, well -- we'd have been very sad to miss all our favorite Christmas movies, so we just worked around it... (Sorry so fuzzy!  This camera...)
A side view so you can see the Holy Family.  The Three Kings haven't arrived yet, but are traversing the path above the stable, before arriving to worship the newborn King on the Epiphany...
A view from the other direction.  If you look closely, you can see some of the Eye-Spy objects
tucked in to the scene.  For instance, it's hard to miss the playing card, but can you see the
little hour glass?
Owl Landing, with a rather unexpected tire swing -- and a clam shell with "real" pearls.
Can you see the weasel, the rather large grey rat, and the poker chip?
Another perspective, showing two of the ladder/steps.  There are four sets of steps or ladders all together.
The temple at the far end.  Can you find the forks (easy!), the button, and the
fainted "big head" doll?
One of the six wooden soldiers hides (not very well) in this shot, but can you find the DVD player?
A bit of a trick.  Sorry!  Bou could see just a corner of it in the above picture.
And here again, from another view, we find the Magi crossing the wooden bridge.  One more
flight of steps and another day before they reach their destination - at the feet of the Christ Child.

Great job, Dominic and worker bees!  I hope you're pleased with the record-keeping we're doing here on AWTY.  I bet you'll be looking back at these pictures next year to remember what you did this year. So, in preparation thereof:

Hey. there, Davis children, 2015/16! I love you!  Thanks for stopping by!  Now go hug your mother!

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