Monday, December 29, 2014

The Camera Jinx

So, almost all of our cameras are out of commission for various reasons -- and the one working camera went missing until just this morning....  Terrible timing. Michelle was here for Christmas, as well as Frater Philip, along with my Mom and brother, Steve, my sister, Nina, and Dan's parents...  And now that the little red camera has shown up... the family has just about all gone home.   And here I am with almost no Christmas pictures this year.  No silly mug shots on Christmas morning.  No record of everyone's Christmas outfits.  No gift-opening  photos; no waffle breakfast pics. Dadgummit.

It's not a total loss, though.  I think.  I might be able to get a hold of a couple shots Dominic took with his phone over the last couple of days...  Plus Dan's parents are still in town, so we'll hopefully get some pics at the traditional New Year's Eve party with them with the little camera...

And there are these, from this afternoon after we found the camera.

New sleds for Christmas, thanks to Grandma and Grandpa.  And snow today...

 Deo Gratias!

Just a couple inches  --  but enough for some refugees from the Nevada desert to wallow in for a while.
 And these Colorado natives know what to do with snow.
There are those who throw snowballs...

Those who avoid snowballs...
Those who slide in the snow...
Those who fall in the snow...
Those who warm up kitties (or who get warm by snuggling with kitties)...

And those who take pictures of them!
And then run in and make a great
big huge cup of cappuccino to warm up.

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