Tuesday, November 4, 2014

All Souls Day Devotions

Mass was too early for us on Monday morning to make it in for the special All Souls Day liturgies (seeing as we're an hour away), but we had plans for our own special devotions this year. Everyone was excited to take a lantern-light rosary walk down to our own little country cemetery to pray some souls to heaven.

The children made their own little tin can lanterns to take along.  (Gabe, William, Theresa -- with our little Jesus statue blessing the proceedings...)
Anna, Theresa, William, Cathy, and Gabe, lanterns lit and ready to pray the rosary on the way to the cemetery.  You can see which of our children tends to miss the "dress appropriate to the weather" memos, right?  
Down the dark driveway, the rosary for the suffering souls in  Purgatory begins...
You can see here that Penny (the St. Bernard) came along as security for the proceedings.  (She takes her "guarding" duties very seriously )  You can't tell by the pictures that the wind was blowing up a gale last night, but by the time we reached the cemetery -- about the 4th decade or so --  the wind had blown out everyone's lantern candle except mine, which was in an old glass  lantern and better protected -- but about the time we arrived at the cemetery gate, the wind blew mine out, too!  Thankfully, "Always-Prepared" Gabriel had brought along an emergency flashlight.
After we finished praying the TeDeum and sang the Dies Irae, we walked around a little bit through the cemetery.  Dan shone his flashlight on some of the tombstones so we knew who we were praying for.  You'd think we'd have been spooked -- but we really weren't at all.  I think going in praying, we were protected body, mind, and soul from even the worry of anything "untoward."  Two cars did go by down on the lane, though.  We wondered what they thought was going on.  ;)
Then back home where hot apple cider and oatmeal waited for dinner.  Warmed up and tummies filled, we watched For Greater Glory, and went to bed feeling like we'd accomplished more than usual!  I expect, weather cooperating, we'll try this devotional again before the week is out -- and happily add it to our All Souls traditions while we live in this house.


  1. Very nice! In Albuquerque, we have the Marigold Parade and Festival. All Soul's Day is huge here.=)

  2. We have a Polish priest who gave a homily on what a HUGE tradition this is in Poland. Love that you celebrated and made a visit to a cemetery. It's something we're going to have to start doing ...

  3. I've been saving cans! Yes, I know this post is old, but I loved this.. They are in the freezer, and soon, we will hammer this project out!


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