Monday, August 4, 2014

On the Feast of St. Dominic of the Rosary

                            Hymn of St. Dominic

Thou who, hero-like, hast striven
For the cause of God and heaven!
Dominic, whose life was given
Sinners to recall.
Saint of high and dauntless spirit,
By thy vast unmeasured merit,
By thy name which we inherit,
Hear us when we call.

Flower of chastity, the fairest
Of her lily buds thou bearest,
Snow-white as the robe thou wearest,
Gift from hands divine.
With thy brow of starry splendour,
With thine eyes so mild and tender,
Mary's client--truth's defender,
To our prayers incline.

Great Apostle, ever claiming
Souls for Jesus--by the naming
Mary and her Son proclaiming
Mysteries of faith;
Still, O Dominic, the preaching
Of those childlike beads is reaching
Childlike hearts all sweetly teaching
Christ's own life and death.

With those Aves, first and plainest
Of the Church's prayers, thou rainest
Blessings on the earth and gainest
Souls whom Jesus made.
Loving Father I at thy station
Of seraphic contemplation,
In each hour of dark temptation,
Give thy saving aid.

                      Happy Name Day to our Dominic Alan!

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