Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Kid Art

Every single  card and drawing from each of our children over the last twenty-seven years has been precious to me -- every single one of the ten thousand and one of them. And I'm not much exaggerating! These guys are prolific artists! And, though I wish I could say I  have them on file somewhere, heaven knows I could never have saved all their artwork!  We'd be wading through it to get out the door if I did! Still -- really and truly -- every little love note is etched in my heart.  The  graceful drawings, beautiful lettering, and carefully penned poetry of my children are one of the best perks of motherhood --  better than any quarterly evaluation or Christmas bonus.  I love them all, none more than others,  they're all so special...

But some get tacked on the wall.  Like this one:

I ask you:  What other occupation in the world pays you with gems like this?
Compliments of Senor William.
Who else?

1 comment:

  1. I just take pictures of their artwork and put them on the computer into folders. When they are older, I'll put all their artwork on a cd or usb for them. Easy peasy and no clutter. I do keep a few special ones though.


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