Sunday, October 13, 2013

Outings Slideshow, Pt. II

Piney Creek Trail
on the Gunnison River
Black Canyon National Park
End of September, 2013

L-R, Anna (10), Gabe (9), William (7), Cathy (13)

Check it out.  This is a beautiful, easy, well groomed and maintained "Sissy Trail."
But we liked it anyway.

The best hiking excursions are the ones where we learn a little something...  And the beauty of home schooling is
we get to do this all the time, whenever we get a wild hair.  And I don't have to fill out permission slips.

Looking one way. (Uh, south?)

Looking the other way.  (I'm guessing this is basically sorta due north...)

They have guided boat tours (and fishing excursions) here along the
Gunnison.  I would love to do this someday....  Dan?  Dan?

Me.  Always watchful.
Cathy.  Always game.

Anna.  Always silly.

Gabe.  Always prepared.

(In his pack-- several bottled waters, at least one granola bar, kleenex, an empty tincture bottle in case he needs to take a sample of something to experiment on later, and -- really -- who knows what else?  But we know if we need something, we ask Gabriel.)

William.  Always William.

Gee.  What do a bunch of children do to entertain themselves on the banks of a river?

They throw hundreds of pounds of rocks in.  At every pause on the trail, every chance they get.  SPLASH!!

HA!  I got one in!

We liked the reflection of water in this little grotto.  Though the picture, as always, doesn't do it justice. 


not silly
Great Day!

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