Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Bigfoot Vacation Album

Avid hunters throughout western Colorado are cleaning their guns and stocking up on camo in giddy anticipation of hunting season. Hunting is thee thing here in the Rocky Mountain west, let me tell you, and the countdown for a goodly portion of the male population has begun, though they still have at least two months to wait.  Deer and elk season begins here the end of August for archers, but not until the middle of October for riflemen. 

In the meantime, Bigfoot (Bigfoots? Bigfeet?) and their progeny (like the little guy seen here) enjoy wearing orange shirts while it's still reasonably safe. Nothing pointed at 'em now but a camera and nobody around to disturb their summer holiday but aimlessly wandering hikers.

**  This is a "testing, testing" post, typed out on my new hp laptop, purchased with a gift from my loving and generous mother.  Thank-you, Mom!  I'd never have gotten my very own computer without your help!  Woot!  Now I can blog here and there and everywhere: on the front porch in the mornings with my coffee; on the road when traveling; while hiding out in my room with the air conditioner and a glass of iced tea...   I feel so spoiled!  C'est si bon!


  1. So excited you have your own laptop. I have an andoid tablet and would love to upgrade to laptop but for now, will just plug away on my tablet until I have saved more pennies.

  2. Lisa I really think a Mom's own laptop can be her salvation, mentally and spiritually.. If used correctly, of course.. I love my laptop, goes about everywhere with me when Ill be gone for an extended time.. Many ebooks out there, St. Theresa, Therese, St Louis, etc... Have fun!


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