Sunday, February 3, 2013

Where is Your Heart?

(Ten Days Until St. Valentine's...)


Alrighty then...

Watch while I slip into stream of consciousness mode:

Gee, my feet hurt; what's that all about? wanderingwanderingwandering The boys are being awfully quiet...better check into that.... Nah...  Quiet is nice. Maybe what we don't know really won't hurt us?  wandering wanderingwandering Now that the girls have finished reading the Tolkien series together maybe that means they won't sit in the kitchen reading aloud and baking all the time....which is... good....and....bad....because, man those shortbread cookies were good....  and the pretzels....  and the Mexican wedding cookies....  but dang I need to lose weight...  yeah and why do they have two bathroom scales in the downstairs bathroom, anyway? .... Does someone think if they stand with one foot on each of them, they'll cut their weight in half?....Not like anyone around here under the age of forty need to worry about that... Maybe Dan did it?.... I'll have to tease him about that.... which reminds me....I forgot to get his clothes out of the dryer....  I bet they're totally wrinkled to heck....and... good grief...I think I left a load of whites in the wash on Friday, too...Gonna have to rewash those...And finish clearing out the junk in the laundry room....Ugh....but at least the refrigerator cleaning is done with.... Except... well...that thing my friend, Erin, said today after Mass made me think it's probably time to clear off the bazillion magnets that have collected on the front of the fridge...  and all the other paper miscellaneous flotsam and jetsam that's been there since who knows when... wandering wanderingwandering....this is not a very profound stream of consciousness...Maybe I should be embarassed... Does this really represent where my heart is? wandering wanderingwandering.........Apparently my heart is extraordinarily random and obsessed with food and chores....

But, no, really?  I think our hearts are where our heads drag them back after they've been running amuck.

I'm going in to check on the boys and get out some spiritual reading before bedtime.
I think that's more where my heart really is.
(Or where I know it needs to be...)

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