Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What's the Day Tomorrow?

It's the Feast of St. Cecilia!

Our Prayers and Thanksgiving for Music
on the Feast of St. Cecilia,
coincidentally, also Thanksgiving Day this year!

Prayer to St. Cecilia

O glorious saint, who chose to die instead of denying your King,
 We pray you please to help us as His fair praise we sing.
 We lift our hearts in joyous song to honor Him this way.
 And while we sing, remembering, to sing is to doubly pray.

At once in our hearts and in our tongues we offer double prayer
Sent heavenward on winged notes to praise God dwelling there.
While in our hearts and tongues we try with song to praise God twice,
We ask you, dear saint, to unite us close to Christ! Amen.

Above is the melody, below, the words to the old folk song:
The Shrine of St. Cecilia

Our home is a shambles
All I've treasured is gone
The town seemed deserted
Everyone so forlorn
A storm came from up above
But somehow it missed
The shrine of Saint Cecilia

The bells in the chapel
Never ring any more
The clock in the steeple
Can't tell time as before
But up on a hillside
Stands a place heaven blessed
The shrine of Saint Cecilia

Each day at even tide
When I seek haven 
From my daily care
You'll find me by her side
It seems so peaceful there

I kneel in my solitude
And silently pray
That heaven will protect you dears
And there'll come a day
The storm will be over 
And that we'll meet again
At the shrine of Saint Cecilia

The storm will be over
And that we'll meet again
At the shrine of Saint Cecilia... 

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