Sunday, November 25, 2012

My Baby Boy

William Thomas
7 years old
William today, one day away from seven years old.

Tells me the other day, "I'm almost a man, Mommy."
I don't disagree, though my heart contracts a little bit.
"How do you figure that?" I ask.
"I can read."
(Reads almost anything, especially if there are pictures.)
"I can tie my shoes."
(When he went to prove it, he'd "temporarily forgotten.")
"I can lead the rosary."
He can and does any chance he gets.
"I can ride a bike."
Most definitely.  Took one day to learn
and now he flies around the driveway
"like a jet!"
"I mean, I'm not a man yet.  But almost."

William, less than a month old.
My William.  My last baby. 
He may think he's almost a man,
and some day he will be a man...
But, even when I have to look up to see into his twinkling brown eyes, I'll see the face of this baby boy.  My final contribution to the universe.  My horse of a different color. I sure do love this little guy.
Happy Birthday, William Almost-a-Man Davis!
You're such a superstar!
About 2 years old.
 **   His birthday is actually tomorrow, Monday the 26th, but we celebrated today while Daddy was in town.  And I have to leave tomorrow to head over to Denver for a while to help out my brother who just had back surgery.  I pre-posted a couple posts for next week, in the hopes of getting into a better swing of blogging again.  We'll see if they actually end up getting on here -- or if I get a chance to get on the computer and blog while I'm in Denver...  Who knows?  I just might....

Blessings to all this week, the last week of the Liturgical Year, regardless!

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