Tuesday, October 2, 2012

On the Feast of the Little Flower

 October 3rd

Quotes of St. Therese

"What a comfort it is this way of love! You may stumble on it, you may fail to correspond with grace given, but always love knows how to make the best of everything; whatever offends our Lord is burnt up in its fire, and nothing is left but a humble, absorbing peace deep down in the heart" - (Story of a Soul, Ms. A., Knox translation). 

"Our Lord's love makes itself seen quite as much in the simplest of souls as in the most highly gifted, as long as there is no resistance offered to his grace" - (Story of a Soul, Ms. A., Knox translation). 

"The science of loving, yes, that's the only kind of science I want I'd barter away everything I possess to win it" - (Story of a Soul, Ms B, Knox translation.) 

""when I act as charity bids, I have this feeling that it is Jesus who is acting in me; the closer my union with him, the greater my love for all the sisters without distinction" - (SS, Ms. C., Knox translation). 

Without love, deeds, even the most brilliant, count as nothing. - Story of a Soul, Chapter VIII 

On the day of my conversion Charity entered into my heart and with it a yearning to forget self always; thenceforward I was happy. - Story of A Soul, Chapter V 

When Charity is deeply rooted in the soul it shows itself exteriorly: there is so gracious a way of refusing what we cannot give, that the refusal pleases as much as the gift. - Story of A Soul, Chapter IX

Time is but a shadow, a dream; already God sees us in glory and takes joy in our eternal beatitude. How this thought helps my soul! I understand then why He lets us suffer... - VIII Letter to Her Sister Celine

How I thirst for Heaven-that blessed habitation where our love for Jesus will have no limit! But to get there we must suffer... we must weep... Well, I wish to suffer all that shall please my Beloved, I wish to let Him do just as He wills with His "little ball." - V Letter to Sr. Marie of the Sacred Heart 

In Heaven the good God will do all I wish, because I have never done my own will upon earth. - Counsels and Reminiscences 

Even now I know it: yes, all my hopes will be fulfilled... yes... the Lord will work wonders for me which will surpass infinitely my immeasurable desires. - VII Letter to Mother Agnes of Jesus

Some Ideas To Celebrate the Day
Catholic Cuisine, as always, has some wonderful, scrumptious ideas to try for the feast day of our Little Flower

+ A coloring page (below).  Just click and copy. This takes a lot of ink, but is the kind our children like to color as it's more realistic and tells some of the story of the saint of the day.  Below St. Therese is shown with Pope Leo XIII

+  Two easily readable histories of the life of the Little Flower can be found here and here.
+ More extensive reading can be found online here.
St. Therese's autobiography, The Story of a Soul, can be found here.

Happy Feast Day of St. Therese of Lisieux!
Especially to all the Teresas, Thereses, Theresas and Terries out there!

And to our own Theresa Philomena!

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