Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 9th -- And What About It?


It was on October 9th in...

1000  that Leif Ericson discoverd "Vinland" (possibly New England)
1514   that King Louis XII of France married Mary Tudor, sister of Henry VIII

1635  that religious dissident Roger Williams banished from Mass Bay Colony
1701  that the Collegiate School of Ct (Yale U), chartered in New Haven
1855  that Joshua Stoddard of Worcester, Mass patents 1st calliope, 

  1855  that Isaac Singer patented the sewing machine motor

1865   that the 1st U.S. underground pipeline for carrying oil was laid in Pennsylvania
1876   that the 1st 2-way telephone conversation was held, over outdoor wires

1890   that was the start of the Sherlock Holmes adventure "Red-Headed League"

1915   that Woodrow Wilson became the 1st President to attend a World Series game

1920   that the world saw the 1st World Series game in Cleveland; the Indians won 2-1
1930   that the 1st transcontinental flight by a woman -- Laura Ingalls -- was completed

Or this Laura Ingalls
(Melissa Gilbert,
who played Laura Ingalls Wilder
on TV in the '70s)
Not this Laura Ingalls.
(Laura Ingalls Wilder)

It was THIS one:

 Laura Houghtaling Ingalls...
The not-as-famous-as-she-should-be, record-breaking pilot

1936  that Hoover Dam began transmitting  electricity to  Los Angeles
1946   that the 1st electric blanket was manufactured; and sold for $39.50
1954   KTIV TV channel 4 in Sioux City, IA (NBC) began broadcasting
1959   that marked the 1st phone call between auto and plane
1961  that U.S. members of Communist Party were required to report themselves to Police
1969  that the Supremes release Someday We'll Be Together
1973   that Elvis and Priscilla Presley divorced after 6 years
1980   that completed the 1st consumer use of home banking by computer
1984  that Kathy Sullivan became the 1st U.S. woman to walk in space
1990   that Saddam threatened to decimagte Israel with a new missile
1997  that a hurricane killed 123 souls in Acapulco, Mexico
2008   that Iceland took control of 3 banks due to the global financial crisis
2010  that saw wild celebration as a drill reached an underground chamber with 33-trapped Chilean miners inside
2011    that Germany's Sebastian Vettel became the youngest driver to win the Formula One World Championship twice

2012 that Lisa Davis (yours truly, this Lisa Davis) got one load of whites away from completely catching up on the laundry *and* started a diet and didn't cheat even once.  Not once.  Cross my heart.   I really didn't.

(And I'm starving right now -- for one of the carmels that's on the top of the fridge, hidden in the red splatterware bowl....  But I'm going to resist.)
No, seriously, Gavin.  I will.

(Ask me tomorrow how I did.  You'll see.  You just never know...)

* All facts up to, but not including, 2012 gleaned from BrainyHistory.com

1 comment:

  1. Heehee! Thanks, Ann! :0) And, I'll have you know, I didn't steal any carmels! ;0)


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