Sunday, September 9, 2012

Makes My Sunday: Fishing on Grand Mesa...

But not with a pole. Anna caught this one with her hands this afternoon.
We now call her the "Fish Tickler."

Here they are: the bottom five (Cathy in back, then, l-r: Theresa, William, Gabe, and Anna),
on the shore of Island Lake on top of Grand Mesa.  It was a fun day.  We're trying to figure out if we can get together a camping trip up here before the weather turns!


  1. She did not!

    Did she really tickle it? I've read about that, but thought you had to be Grizzly Adams, or somthing.

  2. She did not!

    Did she really tickle it? I've read about that, but thought you had to be Grizzly Adams, or something.

    And she is just too cute!

  3. Heehee! Actually, Bia -- she didn't really tickle it. It had come down a small waterfall and was cooling its heels in a little pool, where she snuck up from behind and grabbed it. In all honesty, I believe he was pretty dazed from his wild ride and that's why she was able to get him. :0) But, we always get a giggle out of how "ungirly" this little girl is. She ain't scared to hold no slimy ole fish.


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