Friday, September 7, 2012

Against Blasphemy -- The Holy Name

In 1954, Pope Pius XII asked Catholics to offer up the days of September 8-11 to make reparation against the many blasphemies being committed. On the final day, the Holy Father recited the following prayer on the radio.
Prayer against Blasphemy
O most August Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Who, though infinitely happy for all eternity in Yourself and by Yourself, deign to accept graciously the homage that rises from universal creation unto Your sublime throne, turn away, we beg You, Your eyes and ears of the unfortunate, or those blinded by passion, or pressured by evil influences, who horribly blaspheme Your name, of the most pure Virgin Mary and of the saints.
Retract, O Lord, the arm of Your justice which could destroy those who dare to be guilty of so much impiety.
Accept the glorious hymn that continually rises from all of nature: from the springs of water that flow clear and quiet to the stars that shine above from heaven and whose orbits are driven by immense love. Accept reparation from the many choruses of praise, as incense before altars, of so many holy souls who walk without deviating from the paths of Your law and try to soothe Your offended justice, through the assiduous efforts of charity and penance; listen to the song of so many noble souls who devote their lives to celebrate Your glory, with the endless praise that the Church addresses to You at all times and under the heavens. And we pray that one day that blasphemous hearts will be converted and all tongues and lips will together sing on earth the hymn echoed endlessly by the choirs of angels:"Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God of hosts, heaven and earth are full of Your glory." Amen. (Extracted from the Italian text of A.A.S., XXXXVI, 1954, p. 501)

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