Thursday, July 19, 2012

View From the Edge...

So, we've been pondering the view from the edge of the cliff here for a while now...  Dan lost his job over two years ago -- a common thing these days; we're in good company in the ranks of the unemployed.  But, if you'll excuse my slang, it really does suck.  Hoping to back away from the edge of the cliff and  have a little more control over his own employment destiny, Dan joined forces with a friend almost immediately and tried to start his own business, but, though the idea was awesome, the grants they needed to really get going were not forthcoming -- at least not forthcoming quickly enough to keep the family afloat while we waited for things to take off.  So...  savings dwindling and bills chomping, Dan's had to throw out two years' work on the start-up business and throw his hat back in the three-ring circus of the business world.

As an "IT Guy," he's found there are still jobs out there, but his resume is what they call "stale," since he's been out of the loop for a couple years... I guess two years is a long time in the computer world.  But, we're hopeful.  God's never let us starve yet.  And we hope He hasn't got that in mind for our sanctification...  Just sayin...

But, Dan got a call back this morning from one of his applications that would be just the wings -- or parachute -- we'll need to make the step off this cliff-edge.  The job prospect is with a local(ish)  health care business; the pay would be eh -- but the benefits would be nice, and he wouldn't have to travel.  It would be a good thing.  Would anyone passing by today send up a quick word on our behalf that this job comes through?  Or, if not, that it's only because something better is just around the corner?  We would so appreciate all the help we can get!!  Thank-you, friends!


  1. Prayers for all of you, Lisa.
    Direct, Oh Lord, all our actions and further us by thy continual graces. That every prayer and work may begin from thee and by thee be happily ended. AMEN!

  2. I'm in.
    Praying and doing a little abundant rain dance here...E

  3. hope i'm not too late to send some prayers your way ...

    did it work out?


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