Monday, July 16, 2012

Makes My Monday

Sunday Afternoon Pinochle School

While my sister, Nina, was here this weekend, in the absence of the uber-competitive card players of the family (whose identities shall remain nameless ), Dan took the opportunity to do some "across the table" instruction in the fine art of the game of Pinochle.  Topics discussed: 1) when and how much to bid on a hand,  2) how to lead if you win a bid, 3) what to do with aces, 4) finessing Trump, 5) card counting, 6) Nina's and my secret cheating code for when we used to play with our Dad growing up, 7) the philisophical, practical, and moral ramifications of cheating vs. renigging when playing with uber-competitive and uptight card players...

It was a good time, as always, but I just took pictures and didn't play.  I'm still recovering from  the PTSD from the cold war card playing in my youth doncha know.  God bless ya, Dad.  Wish we could have a nerve-wracking game of pinochle with you now.  I'd even play.

1 comment:

  1. You just brought back so really good memories!!!! My daddy taught us all how to play Pinochele! That is the Pelicano family game don't you know. Now all my kids play and so do my nieces and nephews. When the whole family gets together what a time we have. Thanks for the memories, and the few tears that I shed.


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