Thursday, June 7, 2012

What the New Nest Looks Like

(And, check it out!  I learned how to make slide shows!)

In order of appearance (roughly): 

the corn fields around our house
the front porch and front yard
(with glimpses of the grain towers and the big red dog house which are to the west and north)
the living room
the rec room
the kitchen
the dining room
the pantry
the laundry/craft room
Dan's office
the school room
sunset beyond the back 50 acres

The fifty acres is leased to a farmer, we just rent the house and have access to the old milk barns, tack barn, and grain silo.  The house is literally twice the size of the last rental at 4200 square feet.  Not shown are the work room behind the single car garage and four --yes, count 'em --four bathrooms and five bedrooms...  More on that later!

Just finished cleaning and moving the last bit of flotsam and jetsam out of the old house (a post coming on the moniker for that place, too, btw) -- so HURRAH!  It's official!  We. Are. Moved!!

And the internet is finally hooked up and running!  Woot!

* The above photos -- let us say they are "Befores." Hopefully we'll have some "Afters" ready to compare this summer!


  1. Well done!!! Have a wonderful weekend! Cathy

  2. Loved it! Can't wait to see it next weekend!! How'd you learn how to do that?? Loved the music with it too!!!


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