Monday, April 23, 2012

Simple Woman Monday


Outside my window... it's a little overcast, but warm. It was 80 degrees here yesterday and is supposed to be in the 80s today.   Gabe and William are dressed and outside waiting for me to take them to school.  They're both wearing winter coats.

I am thinking... they're not going to want those coats come recess time later.  And I bet William forgets his at school.

I am thankful... that all my children are safe and sound right now.  Especially spiritually.  I pray with all my heart that this will always be true.

In the kitchen...  there is nothing going on, really.  Dieting puts a serious dent in my cooking ambition.  And I try to dissuade the girls from tempting me with their baking...  But, I'm toying with trying the Mediterranean Diet, as the summer heightens and more fresh, organic vegges are available.  Then, things should get interesting again...

I am wearing... a straight denim skirt, white button-down blouse, and a green cardigan.

I am creating... a nook in my bedroom behind the bathroom door where I can more conveniently primp in the morning.  Our master bathroom is the size of a telephone booth (I'm not kidding...) and the lighting is terrible.  So I'm working on a fix. This is what I've got so far:  two narrow shelves on pretty brackets, already loaded with natural wicker baskets for my makeup and doodads, and a small florescent light.  Now I just need a mirror that will fit below the light and something inspired to make the whole set-up look prettier...  You know what they say about blooming where your planted? Sometimes that requires power tools and paint brushes.  (I'll take a picture when I finish...)

I am going... with my friend, (82 year old) June, to get pedicures on Wednesday.  My toenails are still kelly green with shamrock-y designs on the big Piggies, this theme left over -- you guessed it -- from all the way back in March!  Time for spring toes!

I am wondering... if I can find a color that will gross June out more than the green toenail polish did. (She said my toes looked "gruesome." I called them "Pinch Insurance.")

I am reading...  The Interior Castle, by St. Teresa of Avila; and just starting to work through the New Testament again (trying to get the whole thing through without months of intervals...)  Also, hunting out the next Elizabeth Peters Amelia Peabody adventure to enjoy for light summer reading!  (Don't those words sound just delicious together? Light Summer Reading....)

A favorite quote for today...   “The mere brute pleasure of reading --the sort of pleasure a cow must have in grazing.” G.K.Chesterton

I am hoping... to have plenty of unstructured time this summer to just play with the children -- and read lots of fluffy, rootbeer-float-type books (No offence against GKC, but for me the pleasure is more sweet than grassy).

I am looking forward to... The first of June, when Dan and I get to go on a long, kidless, responsibility-free  25th Anniversary vacation together!

I am learning... how to obey my body when it says "REST, DAMMIT!"  (Oh. Did I say that out loud?)

Around the house... I give up on my kitchen floor. It's hopeless.

I am pondering... whether the children would notice if I really did give up on the kitchen floor.

One of my favorite things... Clean kitchen floors and children who exclaim in admiration and gratitude at them. (And then refrain from spilling things on them.)

A few plans for the rest of the week: =sigh= Yeah, the kitchen floor.  Deep cleaned.  And probably it's time for the refrigerators.  Plus getting ready for a garage sale this weekend. And cutting the little boys' hair. Plus working on wrapping up everyone's school years (homeschooled and otherwise).  And beginning a novena to St. Joseph today so that it will end on the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, May 1st.  

A peek into my day...  
yesterday -- playing tag at the park in Ouray:

Who's it?
Theresa ("Seesa")

Catherine ("Captain")

Anna ("Anner")

Gabriel ("Gabey")
William: Take 1

William: Take 2
William: Take 3


The Linky for SWD for the months of March and April can be found here.


  1. Can I adopt William? PLEASE!!!!!! When I saw that you had posted I was right there in the high, thin mountain air with you. It is raining and chilly here. I am so ready for warm balmy days. Even saying the words makes me feel languid and lazy. Enjoy your toe treatment.

  2. Busy Lady!! We will be finishing our Bible Study on Hebrews this week then a break until the Fall when we start the Letter of James. And WOW!!! I can't believe it! Another Amelia Peabody fan! When I first got my Kindle one of the 1st books I got was one of hers. Then I decided to start reading them again...Have finished up to LION IN THE VALLEY. Will take a break on this too...Have found a new author (well new to me) Rhys Bowen and her Molly Murphy. Have a grand day!!!! You certainly made mine!!! Cathy


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