Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Paul's on his way...

....apparently by a rather circuituous route to Afghanistan via Canada. Nobody knows why -- but, unless he's going to defend Canada now, which would be alrighty by us, we expect he'll eventually get to the predetermined destination.  All's good, though.  He's in God's hands,
as always.

Still, everyone misses him.
This picture of his sweet little guy makes me tear up every time I look at it.
We want a "Daddy Doll" like Gavin's.
But we'd have to call it a "Paul Doll."
And I'm not sure he'd like that.


  1. Keeping you all in our prayers! (((()))) Cathy

  2. That picture is heartbreaking. How well I remember caring for my little ones all those long months while their daddy was deployed. My prayers are with all of you.


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