Friday, January 27, 2012

Note to My Big Kids Who are Not Here to Help Move

We're moving out the contents of all the closets and dressers and the stores in the crawl space today, kids.  But the big Moving Day is tomorrow.  Aren't you boys glad you're missing out on this -- Paul, Jon, and Br. Pio?  You, too, Michelley!  (sneersnort)

But, Kevvy -- darlin' -- we're so glad you're coming!  You are our favorite son, you know.  (Just now, anyway...) You others can pray --especially you seminarians --  and that's big, but it don't get the fridge moved. Dangit all anyway.  But if you guys will pray away hernias and snow, we guess we'll give you a break.

But, seriously, we're doing alright; you should see the little Amazon-woman girls lifting and carrying!  They are amazing!  And smile and give us little concerts while they pack and unpack.  They've worked out a two-part rendition of Down in the Valley that is awesome.  Nice to have the free entertainment while we work.

Still, Wish You Were All Here!

Sure you can't drive out real quick?

(Just kidding.)

(No, I'm not, really)


  1. I just dont envy you Lisa, and the rest of the fam that's there..Can Kev grab some guys from Denver?

  2. Keeping you in our prayer!!!! God speed!! Cathy

  3. you've been so busy! you're really (and literally) living the title of your blog these days: Are we there yet?

  4. Hi Lisa
    Hope everything is going well and you are nearly there!
    Best wishes


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