Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Feast of the Holy Family

 (Lk 2, 51)  Jesus went down with them, and came to Nazareth and was subject to them.

The Holy Family, by Fancesco Zaganelli da Cotignola (1480 - 1532)  (This masterpiece for sale at Christie's right now for only $1, 584,414)

 O Lord Jesus Christ, Who by subjecting Thyself to Mary and Joseph didst consecrate family life with wonderful virtues;  grant that, by their joint assistance, we may fashion our lives after the example of Thy Holy Family, and obtain everlasting fellowship with it.  Who livest, etc. 

~ Prayer from the feastday Mass of the Holy Family

A coloring page to click and print for today:

* This week:  Amusements and Meditations on "Family"...

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