Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Family Week: Wednesday

The Mother-child relationship is paradoxical and, in a sense, a tragic. It requires the most intense love on the mother's side, yet this very love must help the child to grow away from the mother, and to become fully independent.

~ Erich Fromm (1955)

On that Theme:

Congratulations to our son, Paul, on his recent promotion to the rank of 1st Lieutenant, United States Marine Corps!

1st Lieutenant Paul J. Davis, his beautiful wife, Nicole, and precious son, Gavin.
(Pardon me.  Is my grandma bias showing a bit.?  ;)
Our son who has exceeded our every prayer and desire for him in character and accomplishments!  We love you so much, Paul, and are so proud of you!

Paul is preparing for deployment to Afghanistan at the end of this month.  He will most likely be serving at a relatively safe base, but we beg your prayers for his safety and well-being, as well as that of the family who will be missing him at home!

Prayer for Those in Active Service
O God, we beseech Thee,
watch over those exposed to the horrors of war
and to the spiritual dangers of a soldier's, a sailor's, or an airman's life.
Give them such a strong faith
that no human respect
may ever lead them to deny it,
or fear to practice it.
Do Thou by Thy grace fortify them
against the contagion of bad example,
that, being preserved from vice,
and serving Thee faithfully,
they may be ready to meet death
wherever and whenever it may happen,
through Christ Our Lord.

Sacred Heart,
inspire them with sorrow for sin,
and grant them pardon.
Mother of God,
be with them on the battlefield,
and, if they should be called to make the supreme sacrifice,
obraine for them
that they may die in tghe grace of Thy Divine Son.

St. Joseph, pray for them.
May their Guardian Angels protect them.


  1. Lisa, you have my prayers and my deepest sympathy. There is nothing like the anxiety of a mother when her child is away and in potential danger. Please extend to Nicole my prayers for her as well. Your Catholic faith and family love will be the strength that will carry all of you through the difficult months ahead.

  2. Will be praying for Paul and you all at home waiting for his safe return.

  3. I have experienced deployment as a military wife, but never as the mama of the one deployed. My heart is with you and all who love your son. Prayers...

  4. Congratulations to your son and may God protect him.


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