Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Table Talk

 Over Chicken soup and garlic bread this evening...
We break in on the following conversation just as the family has been informed by an, um, informer that our kindergartener, William, has been cutting up in class...

Mommy: William, don't I tell you every morning not to be silly at school?

William: But school is seeeeven hours...

And there I was for a half second, thinking, "Poor little guy; I guess that is a long time to hold back something that comes so naturally to him...." That's what I was thinking, mind you, until he added:

 And I forget as soon as I go in the door.

And there ya have it, folks. At least he tells it like it is.

And, yes, we laughed. 
Which is why he continues to be the class clown everywhere he goes.

Here's William, five years old.  Thirty seconds of him:

What's not to laugh at?


  1. I have a brother like that (still at 45!) and a son. They have faces like rubber! I have to admit that my son comes by it honestly (his mother is the same way.)

  2. What a stinker! :)

  3. How funny! It's what I like to think of as the charm of little boys. :)

  4. A delightful clown at that! Have a grand weekend!!! Cathy


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