Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are thankful for:

  Our Faith, Family, and Friends,
And All the Good Things the Heavenly Father Sends,

Like :

My washer and dryer
And coffee by the fire;

Cheese, tapioca, pumpkin pie
Living in a house, not a pig stye;

Bimpslins, and crimpstlins, and painted toes,
Some nice webbed feet and a stuck up nose;

I am thankful for Michelle she is my freind,
together our freindship will never end;

Grass and early morning dew
And a great big sky, clear and blue

Pies, even though there should be more --
And Cathy for doing our  menial chores;

Mops and also soap and bubbles
for cleaning up all Anna's puddles;

For kitty cats and puppy dogs
And brothers who sit on the couch like bumps on logs;

Thankful for acorns and leaves that fall
and the care and love that comes from all;

For, Nina who is the best aunt ever,
the hugs and kisses she gives us -- I will love her forever:

Potato peelers that actually peel
and the awesome amazing Thanksgiving meal!

Children who pitch in and help with the cookin --
All of 'em smart and sweet and good lookin;

(And goofy and silly and weird and random --
You have to be mighty open-minded to stand 'em...)

Thankful for all this, true
But also mindful Who we're thankful To!

From the Davises and Extended Family and Friends!

(Mashed Potatos and stuffing
Blueberry and pumpkin pie;
I'm so full and suff'ring
If I eat anymore I'll die!)

(Written by folks here present who happened past the computer and kindly added: Dan and me, Kevvy, Omar, Michelle, Theresa, Cathy, and Anna)


  1. Happy Thanksgiving American friends :)

  2. For friends dear both near and far. We may not have met still you know who you are

  3. Suzy Q ~ Thank-you! And Happy Day to our friends in England!

    Ann -- Haha! I love it! We know who we are! :0))


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