Sunday, November 13, 2011

Anna Davis, Nine Years Old

November 12th, 2011

Where I'm From

I am from the little log cabin across the pasture from Jesus' house; from multi-colored elastic pony-tail holders, from Polly Pockets, teaparties, Nancy Drew and Scrabble. 

I am from the cozy and crowded, snug and comfortable, the smell of cinnamon and nutmeg. I am from aspen and pine trees, mountain and prairie. From bad singing on birthdays and twenty-zillion pies at Thanksgiving.

I am from Nina and Grandmom, from Davises and Chenoweths -- choir singers, movie quoters and hula-hoopers from way back.  From "Do unto others" and "Offer it up."  I am from my Roman Catholic Faith, undiluted, unchanged, full of life and love and bounded by the rules and the rosary and the Mass and from flowers and pictures pinned around statues of the saints.

I'm from the the rolling plains and fertile valleys in the shadow of the mighty Colorado Rockies; from Ireland, and England, and Wales, and Germany. 

I'm from quesadillas and bread sticks and potato soup.  From Colcanon on St. Patrick's and Bouillabaisse on New Year's and chai in the morning if I'm lucky.

I am from my four big brothers' snowstorm "white-outs;" my three big sisters' music and baking; my little brothers' in trouble for bouncing on the couch. I'm from sitting on the sidelines giggling at all of them. 

I'm from a billion photos on the hard-drive and a dozen tacked over the desk nearby; from a ten-sibling pyramid and mountain top hikes and board game bonanzas in a log cabin in the mountains.

I am from love and hugs and sibling squabbles; from a Mommy just waiting to hear what I'll say next and a Daddy who loves and "whoops up" unconditionally.  I am from memories and love to last me a lifetime.

And then some.

*  Written for Anna by Mommy ( from the template which can be found here).


  1. Thank you for sharing the template. I can't wait to try it!

  2. This made me tear up -- yet again!
    Good job Anna!
    Oh, and a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


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