Thursday, October 6, 2011

Happy Birthday To...

Paul Joseph!
Who turned 24 yesterday.

And Catherine Cecilia
Who turns 11 today!
Love, Love, Love them both!!

Unfortunately, though, not much time to expound -- as I'm heading over the mountains today to catch a plane first thing tomorrow morning to the east coast with my sister.  I'll be gone for a week or so, touring the Civil War sites with my sister, Nina, and my cousin, Mick.  I"ll be back with pics!  And some more news that I've been holding close, I'll share when I get back....


  1. Wow, happy birthday to both! Hope you'll have a wonderful time in your trip. We expect to see a lot of pictures and stories, enjoy!

  2. Happy birthdays and I will miss you. Have a good time in my part of the country.

  3. Lisa you can't SAY you have news and then not SAY. ; ) Have a wonderful trip. Will be waiting to hear.

  4. Okay I hate cliffhangers. Come on already!


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