Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Feast of St. Margaret Mary

Image from here.
The Life, Letters, and Promises of St. Margaret Mary,
the visionary of the Sacred Heart!

The Sacred Heart of Jesus:
A Salutation Prayer by Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

Hail, Heart of Jesus, save me!
Hail, Heart of my Creator, perfect me!
Hail, Heart of my Saviour, deliver me!
Hail, Heart of my Judge, grant me pardon!
Hail, Heart of my Father, govern me!
Hail, Heart of my Spouse, grant me love!
Hail, Heart of my Master, teach me!
Hail, Heart of my King, be my crown!
Hail, Heart of my Benefactor, enrich me!
Hail, Heart of my Shepherd, guard me!
Hail, Heart of my Friend, comfort me!
Hail, Heart of my Brother, stay with me!
Hail, Heart of the Child Jesus, draw me to Thyself!
Hail, Heart of Jesus dying on the Cross, redeem me!
Hail, Heart of Jesus in all Thy states, give Thyself to me!
Hail, Heart of incomparable goodness, have mercy on me!
Hail, Heart of splendor, shine within me!
Hail, most loving Heart, inflame me!
Hail, most merciful Heart, work within me!
Hail, most humble Heart, dwell within me!
Hail, most patient Heart, support me!
Hail, most faithful Heart, be my reward!
Hail, most admirable and most worthy Heart, bless me!

Sacred Heart of Jesus  Prayer from The Raccolta

O Divine Heart of Jesus, grant, I beseech Thee, eternal rest to the souls in purgatory, final grace to all who are to die today, true repentance to sinners, the light of faith to pagans, Thy blessing to me and to all who are mine.
To Thee, O most loving Heart of Jesus, do I therefore commend all these souls, and for them I offer all Thy merits, together with the merits of the most Blessed Mother and of all the saints and angels, and also together with all the Sacrifices of the Mass, the Holy Communions, the prayers and good works that are made today throughout the entire Christian world.

To Celebrate the Day:

Catholic Cuisine has a number of good ideas, mostly sweet, but a couple savory, too, for feasting on this feast day -- using the image of the Sacred Heart in honor of St. Margaret Mary.  I think we'll start the day with the Sacred Heart toast and egg, then maybe do something with strawberries for dessert time!

* Craft ideas for the day: From St. Peter's List , Catholic Icing,  Catholic Mom

* A coloring page may be found here at Waltzing Matilda's, or the following print can be copied, as well; though the quality is a little 'pixilated' when enlarged too much, it works just fine in 'holy card' size:
Happy Nameday to all the Margaret Marys out there -- especially my cousin, Micki!

Sweet Heart of Jesus, be my salvation!
St. Margaret Mary, Pray for us!

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