Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ten Favorite Things About September

1.  Brisk mornings, warm afternoons.
        * Heater on the way to school; a/c on the way home.

2.  Getting to wear favorite sweaters and flip flops on the same day.
       * Loving that we're seeing the cute little crocheted cape-lets in the stores again.  So cute and functional for this time of year, especially!

3.  The predictable schedule of school days
      * It was a fun, but crazy summer!  We're all relieved to have a routine again.

4.  Picking fun little snacks to put in school lunches.
     * fun and healthful ideas here,  and here,   and here...

5.  Spying around the neighborhood for the first golden leaves.
      *  Leaves are just barely turning here in the lower elevations...  but the mountains are getting their gold on!

6.  Pulling out and putting up our fall decorations.
     *  Was planning to go out in the barn and pull in the fall bins last week -- until Cathy came in with a three foot long shedded snake skin she found out there.  So, um -- needless to say, I'm at Dan's mercy to bring the bins in for me now...  Maybe that'll happen before All Saints' Day.

7.  Finding new recipes for zucchini, pumpkin, and corn.

*  Birthday boy on the 28th -- but also
now shares the 8th with the BVM,
as he entered Religion on her birthday.

     *  Planning to try this recipe for corn fritters this week -- and pumpkin muffins are on the breakfast menu for tomorrow morning.

8.  Feasts of our Lady
      *  Her birthday on the 8th, her holy name on the 12th, the seven sorrows on the 15th, Our Lady of Ransom on the 26th.

9.  My birthday and Brother Pio's within shouting distance of the Blessed Mother's

10. Drinking spiced chai with Cathy over GK Chesterton on quiet homeschool mornings.
      *  Doesn't get much better than that.  Grieving over the rest of the children missing out on these mornings -- and realizing more and more that we really are homeschoolers at heart...


  1. A very happy and blessed birthday to you, Lisa!
    ...saying it now, just in case I missed it or it's yet to come. :)

    I'm enjoying our cooler mornings, too. Autumn is my favorite season and God always seems to know when I'm done and over summer. ;)

    btw, I completely understand you with being homeschoolers at heart. I've been sorely tempted to look into the school (usually after a difficult day), but it always leaves me feeling so sad at the thought of the kids not being here with me and all the conversations and experiences we'd miss together.

  2. Aww..missing the kids must be your least favorite. I always look forward to this month of the year when the streets are filled with the scent and golden sights of fall. First days of schools are always fun too.


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