Monday, September 19, 2011

Simple Woman Monday, September 19th

Outside my window… The sun has just come up and is picking out the millions of dewdrops on the hayfield out my east window. Sparkly. The last couple of early mornings, I've let out our little foofoo dog, Brigid, then looked out later to see that she'd joined Noey-dog and the two cats sitting perfectly still at the edge of the hayfield, gazing east.  I declare, but do you think they're watching the sunrise? (I've got to get a picture of this.)

I am hearing... Glenn Beck on the radio (Anyone out there get GBTV?)  -- and William's even more interesting narrative, as he carries both sides of a conversation with Gabe.   I always lay the boys' clothes out the night before on the book case in their bedroom, but, being crazy little boys, they bring everything out to the living room to dress every morning which is why I'm privy to this conversation about: whether you should put your shirt or pants on first:; how do you get buttons to match up right; why top buttons and sleeves are so hard to fasten.

I am thinking… that top buttons and sleeves really are hard to fasten and it's good that Mommy's here to help with that.

I am thankful for… the chance to button sleeves for my little guys because they'll be little for such a short time. It was just yesterday that I was buttoning sleeves and hooking on ties for their big brothers!

 One of my favorite things…  Sunday afternoon hikes in the mountains.

 Dan and I drove up to the top of Grand Mesa yesterday and found a wonderful hike around a lake with an island in the middle of it. It was a beautiful, crisp September day and gorgeous surroundings!  As you must have guessed, I brought my camera -- the good one, too (My Nikon 7000 that my dear husband got me us for our anniversary in May), and took tons of pictures.  Then got home and realized that there was no memory card in the camera.  Head-smacking moment, yes.   ~sigh~  I guess all the pretty scenery will have to stay stored on my own personal memory card. Until I can get back up there, anyway.

From the kitchen… Dried apples, apple pie, apple fritters, baked apples....  apples, raw, juicy, crispy, sweet.
Golden Delish, picked up at a farm stand
near Cedaredge, CO.

I am wearing... a  long denim A-line skirt, white tee, navy blue blouse, pony tail and blue earrings.

I am going… to get my hair cut next week because, now that my hair has grown ponytail-length, all I ever do is wear ponytails.  And my husband informs me that he really doesn't care, mind you, but he does like to see my hair down.  (Who knew?) 

I am reading… Just finished my latest Amelia Peabody book, the 7th in the series, The Snake, the Crocodile, and the Dog.  But I have to choose my timing carefully when I read these books, because once I dive into one, nothing else gets done until I emerge on the other side. I have Mr. Knightly's Diary on my bedside table waiting to be read -- but I'm afraid I'll have the same problem if I dip into that one, only, instead of Egyptian adventures, I'll be lolling about Edwardian England.

A few plans for the rest of the week... Finally, really, really have to get out to the barn to bring in our bins of sweaters and cold weather clothes.  The mornings are getting pretty nippy!  And while we're out there, hopefully, we'll get the autumn decorations out!  Less fun, but more practical, I need to clean out my kitchen cabinets and drawers.

Some picture thoughts I 'm sharing...

Right now, this moment:

Theresa reading over her music.
Very much a Theresa thing to be

Anna drinking the
gallon of milk in the
bottom of her bow.

I considered putting the more dignified photo of William here,
but decided that would have been disingeuous.  This is the
real William.  He is a nut.

Cathy, having one of her pumpkin
muffins for breakfast.  Best recipe ever
and low fat, too. 


  1. I'm loving the crisp mornings! Though, it looks like our highs are going to be in the low 80's still, so I'll wait (put off) ;) the seasonal changing of clothes bins.

    Love that last pic of your William. LOL, too funny. :)

  2. Very busy but wonderful day! I really find your posts enlightening. Simple life, simple moments make everything special.


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