Monday, September 5, 2011

Dominic Alan Today...

But, who will he be tomorrow? 

Well,  yeah...  He'll always be my little boy, but after his first "step" on Thursday (the birthday of Our Blessed Mother!), upon entering the novitiate of the Religious life, Dominic will take on a new name, significant of his new life devoted to God.  The way it works is that he submits three special patron saints' names and the bishop chooses one from among them.  No-o-o body knows what Dominic's new name will be until it's pronounced at the ceremony ---  September 8th. 

What will it be?  What will it be?  What will we be calling our Dominic?

 Dominic is keeping his cards close to his vest.  Only a very few know the one saint he most especially wants for his patron -- and they aren't allowed to say a word until after the special day... Nobody knows all three choices but Dominic, the bishop, and God.   And those who know the the favored patron won't know if it's the one the bishop (with the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, to be sure) will choose....  Only time will tell!   (The suspense is killing me!)  

So stay tuned.

We're on our way to Omaha tomorrow after the kids' school day.  All of Dominic's brothers and sisters and of course Dan and I will be there.  Even biggest brother, 2nd lieutenant Paul, is hitching a ride with us to be present.  Prayers would be appreciated for a safe trip for everyone.  But, most especially, we beg prayers for Dominic as he takes this important step in his life!  As always, our sincerest gratitude for your charity and our return prayers for everyone!


  1. We send our heartfelt prayers to you. We hope he'll get that beautiful name he really wants. God bless!

  2. Direct, O Lord, all our actions (and the actions of the Bishop) by Thy holy inspiration and further us by Thy continual graces; that every prayer and work may begin from Thee and by Thee be happily ended. AMEN.
    God bless all of you.

  3. Know you are all in my prayers. What seminary is he attending? May he be blessed abundantly, and may the Holy Spirit his constant companion! Cathy

  4. Wonderful. Praying for the many blessings you ask for. May God continue to guide as Dominic confides his absolute trust in Him. I can't wait to learn his new name as well, although, Dominic is a very saintly name to begin with!


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