Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Colorado Sky

Ready to change my header and have narrowed my favorites down to the following.

:o) Which is your favorite?

(Click for bigger views!)

1. Looking due north: the cornfields near our home with a procession of little clouds skipping over them (The top of the Grand Mesa just shows over the corn)

2.  Out our eastern windows, looking toward the mountains that ring the Black Canyon of the Gunnison.

3.  Cloud Paparazzi closeup

4.  Looking west from down the road near our house -- toward the great San Juan mountains

5. Looking northeast, over the green roof of our school house

6. Near the summit of McClure Pass, between Redstone and Paonia

7. Also near McClure Pass

8. Somewhere up in the mountains; I haven't a clue where...

Also, for skyscapes all over the world, fly over to Skywatch!


  1. Oh! I love McClure Pass! So, I guess that would be my pick. But the rainbow shot above the school is pretty cool. Speaking of McClure, have you all visited Red Stone Castle? We've been several times and always enjoy it. It keeps going under new owners and management, so I'm not even sure if it's open right now for visitors. The town of Red Stone is so picturesque. :)

    ...The San Juan Mts have long since been my favorite Mt. range, though. They will always have a special place in my heart. I guess I'm a bit biased. ;)

  2. The first one, hands down.

  3. All photos are very good and nice, especially I like the last one and shadows of clouds in that photo.


  4. I vote for the rainbow. They have great significance in this marriage.

  5. Colorado skies, my favorite ones! I like the rainbow and the last one best.

  6. Hi :) My favorites pictures are 4 and 7. I love so mutch mountain.

  7. No. 1 choice 0 little green little snow and fab mountains
    No. 2 choice 5 the rainbow and Are we there yet. so much symbolism from God's natural beauty to the colors of the rainbow and beginning and end.

  8. I love # 7 & 8! You could literally touch the sky. These are just breathtaking!


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