Thursday, May 12, 2011

Road Trip!


* Western Colorado to Omaha, Nebraska, leaving Thursday, arriving Friday evening
* Spend day with Omaha Kids, Michelle, Jon, and Dominic on Saturday
* Attend Dominic's graduation ceremony on Sunday*
* Leave for home Sunday afternoon, arrive Monday evening.

!!  If you see Dominic, though, don't tell him we're coming.  It's a surprise!

* Clothes  and shoes for four children** and two adults for four days + Mass clothes and shoes
* Lunch fixin's for app. four days (assuming continental breakfasts at motels and dinners out)
* Package from Sr. C. to Fr. G. in Omaha
* Scads and tons of entertainment for the trip
-- colored pencils
-- markers
-- drawing paper
-- coloring books
-- Mad Libs
-- the June Readers' Digest
-- the manual for my new camera (A whole other post!)
-- books
   * Runaway Ralph
   * Once Upon a Time Saints, volumes I and II
   * The Little World of Don  Camillo
   * A Treasury of Laughter
   * Do My Ears Ever Stop Growing? And 70 Other Questions That Keep You Awake At Night
   * The Far Side Gallery
   * Time for Learning: The States
   * Saint Margaret Mary (Cathy's personal reading)
   * Spyderwick, books I and II (Anna's personal reading)
   * five selections from the Dr. Seusse library (Gabe's personal reading)
   * The Deeds of the Disturber (My Amelia Peabody mystery--not like I'll have a chance to actually read it, but hope springs eternal...)
   * I Spy:  Treasure Hunt, and Year Round Challenger
   * Can You See What I See?  Treasure Ship
-- Four book lights

Who needs a built-in DVD, I ask you?

Have a good weekend, everyone!
We'll be back online on Tuesday.  :)
 Pray us in safe if you have a minute?

* Dominic officially graduated after the first semester and then entered the Seminary (where he's still doing very well and seems very happy) -- but he's "walking" for his diploma this weekend.
** Only four children are going instead of our five at home because Theresa just couldn't disappoint her teacher and her class by not showing up for the "Knowlege Bowl" this Saturday to represent our school.  She's staying with the Sisters while we're gone -- and will do us the favor of walking home every day to take care of the animals.


  1. Prayers for safe travels, Lisa! Congrats to Dominic!
    If you see my girl, please give her a great big Momma Bear hug from me. My Mommy heart is aching missing her these days!

  2. Have a fun and safe trip! We'll be praying for your family. And yes, we need the DVD player =), but I plan to have as many forms of entertainment possible when we travel. =)

  3. Love Amelia Peabody mysteries...Started rereading from the beginning just recently! Can get them for my Kindle! Have a grand trim and safe return! God bless all! Cathy


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