Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday

 Prayer following the 8th Antiphon as the Celebrant reaches the foot of the altar after the Palm Procession:

Let us pray.

O Lord Jesus Christ, our King and Redeemer, in Whose honor we have sung solemn praises while carrying these branches, grant we beseech Thee, that, wherever these branches may be carried, there may the grace of Thy blessing descend, and every iniquity and deceit of the devils being routed, may Thy right hand protect those whom it has redeemed. Who lives, etc.

Where the branches were carried at our house:

Some Links for the day (and a few for planning the coming week):

Entry Into Jerusalem by  Pedro Orrente c. 1620
 *  Palm weaving posts with links here and here
* A plethora of links for Palm Sunday and Holy Week activities can be found here  and here  and here.
*  You can find a little background of today's liturgy, along with traditional customs at Fisheaters.
*  The Catholic Cuisine file of awesome Lenten recipes and ideas through to Easter can be found here. 
*  And below please find a coloring page to click and print:

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