Monday, April 25, 2011

A New Season: Eastertide!

Holy Thursday...

then the sobriety and meditation of Good Friday
like all things
 "passed away"  and led to...

the joy of Easter Sunday!

And there's nothing more joyful than Easter morning after a good Lent. :)

The Easter table set -- before the spiral ham, broccoli salad, German potato salad, rolls, etc  have been added...

Cathy making some last minute sugar cookies
on Holy Saturday afternoon.

The Minions were psyched about
the jelly beans.

L-R:  Cathy, William, Anna, Gabe, Theresa

Bunny Tree

William "toothless" Davis

Brrr...cold and rainy Easter day here.
Had to move my plants off the wood
stove for a welcome fire. But it was cozy!

Got some hoola-hoops.  These girls know how to hoola that hoop.

Aunt Nina, a Holiday Fixture.

 The line Gabe's reading is:  Play, Day; We play all day.  :)  But, actually, we've been doing a lot more vegging on the couch than playing the last couple days.  This is a rare literary minute in the midst of  the post-Lenten movie marathon at our house.  Since our self-imposed Lenten TV ban has been lifted, we've watched: How to Train Your Dragon, Ice Age III, The Sound of Music, Nemo, Monsters vs. Aliens, and Sherlock Holmes.. so far..  We missed our movies!

And now we sit (and text) and wait for the first wave of our road trip youngin's to arrive from points east.  Jon and Michelle are rolling in late this afternoon with two of our adopted children, Carlos and Omar -- hopefully in time for a spaghetti dinner.  Then tomorrow another car load of young friends comes to join us and explore Western Colorado before heading back to school next weekend.  I'll try to get on with pics during the week!

A Blessed Easter Monday to All!

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