Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Snowing on the Feast of St. Isidore the Farmer

Dear St. Isidore,

We beg you for your intercession in this season of the year when we wish to plant
our spinach
and our lettuce
and our radishes
and our onions
and our carrots...

And in this season of the year, when we wish to put away
our coats
and our boots
and our gloves
and our scarves

And hang our clothes out on the line
And send our children out to
to yell
and warble
and run
and jump
and swing
and play
and generally get 'the stink blown off of them.'

Please ask for God's mercy on us --
 that the snow might cease --
 that the weather will be henceforth warm and pleasant
and that the moisture might fall down in soft gentle rains --
 that it might really be spring.

 As God wills it.  In the holy name of Jesus.  Amen.


  1. St. Isidore's feast day is May 15th, no? That's when we plant much of our garden here, except tomatoes and tender things that we plant June 1st.

  2. :0) May 22nd on the Trad calendar --- and just about the right time for peas. We wait til the first week of May for our tender crops, too, though!

  3. Oh, that explains it! I should specify when I tell people that I plant on the Feast of St. Isidore. Right now our garden still has snow on it, lol! Good luck for a great gardening season. I'm not doing much of it this this year because I'm having a baby in a few weeks! There's still the pigs, chickens, and honeybees that my husband and the kids take care of. Your place looks great! Good Luck & God Bless!!!

  4. wait wait WAIT!!!

    I just read in my google reader the most FUN post with pictures about a train ride!!!
    and when I try to find it to comment IT'S GONE!!!!!

    I was agonna link it to my friend who just took her first train ride and had a bad experience so she could see what it's SPOSED to be like!!!



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