Friday, March 25, 2011

A Birthday Gallery

Kevin Christoper
Twenty-two years old today!
(Our Annunciation Baby)
With hair.
(At six years old, the most he may ever have)

Without hair.
(And camera; a preteen self-portrait)

With hair.
(And a plate full of Thanksgiving)

Without hair.
(With scary makeup -- for Halloween a couple years ago)

With hair.
(And beautiful girfriend, sweet Emily)

Without hair.
(With pipe -- a 21st birthday gift from big bro, Paul last year)

A fridge decoration from Kevvy's graduation days...

With or without hair, he's a great guy to have around...

Our Kevvy,
A man of humor,
A man of honor,
A man of Faith...

And, incidentally, the son that can most be counted on to call and text his motha.

(Sorry, sibs...  Sha, sha, ya know it's true.  You can get the brownie points yourselves, too,  if you like...)

Happy, Happy Birthday, Kevvy! 

We love you!!

(* For anyone who might be interested and hasn't seen it, here's a link to Kevvy's education blog, The Rockie Road.)


  1. So weird to see him so grown!

  2. That s a sweet post :) I like how there s a story to all the pictures!


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