Monday, January 10, 2011

Get-up-and-go Kids...

Make My Monday!

The first day of school after the Christmas holidays -- and I'm dragging my feet, but Gabriel isn't!

From this morning at 7:15 a.m.
We don't have to leave until a quarter to 8, but by 7 a.m. Gabey had eaten, dressed, gotten his coat on, and was waiting for the rest of us to get a move on.  He wanted to know if he could go outside and play in the snow while we got ready -- and was a little miffed that I wouldn't let him.  Truth is I couldn't come to terms, myself, with anyone wanting to go out in the dark and cold and play in the snow (!) before I'd even had a cup of coffee.  The nut!  

Reminded me a lot this morning of this little guy:
September, 2007.  From this post.  At three years old, Gabe was already rarin' to go.

Run over and visit Cheryl for lots of Makes My Monday smiles!


  1. Oh Lisa, what a WONDERFUL blessing to have such a passion for school! LOVE the doubt that completely Makes Your Monday...the glimpse of it makes mine!

    Thank you so much for playing along! Happy 2011!

  2. There needs to be an "adorable" box.


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