Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Season at Our House

Just a few shots of some of our traditional autumn decorations.
(Our little hiding squirrel is scampering here somewhere.)

The first traditional lighting of the fire on the feast of St. Michael, Sept. 29th

The fall village is up on top of the very-dinged-
during-moving black buffet.  But Moon Man
has yet to get a-hold of some candles...

Yep.  There he is.

The inimitable "Jack the Haystack." We made this
guy way back when Jon (19) was a baby. He's
up in a tree because we don't trust Noey-dog
to leave him be... 

Happy Autumn, Everyone!


  1. You celebrate the seasons and all of God's gifts to us so beautifully in your home!! Thank you for sharing -- you truly make my day many times!

  2. now shame on you! withholding candles from a moon man and sticking the scarecrow in a tree.

    poor things.....

  3. Happy Autumn to you too!!! I do so enjoy visiting when you "change seasons." Cathy


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