Friday, September 17, 2010

It Drives Me Crazy...

* When people get themselves a glass of water, drink a couple of sips out of it, leave it on the counter or the kitchen table, then come back later for more water, get a new glass, drink a couple sips out of it, and leave that one on the counter, etc, etc, etc...

* When public figures, who are supposed to know how to speak properly -- say "jewlery" instead of "jewelry" or "nucular" instead of "nuclear" or "cannidate" instead of "candidate"...  (Don't get me started -- botched phrases and mispellings are even worse!)

* When people take my hairbrush and leave it in strange, God-forsaken corners of the house, like: smashed in the crack of the couch, hidden amidst the cookbooks in the kitchen, tucked in between the flower pots on the top of the piano, lying alone and cold on top of the chest freezer in the laundry room, sunning on the windowsill in the living room...

* When Charles Krauthammer starts taking cues from -- whom? Lindsey Graham?  Mike Castle?  (Pick your favorite Rino...)  Or maybe he's just lost his mind.  Praying to St. Dymphna for Sir Charles...

* When the kitties pull up the mums out of the big pot on the front porch and then use the pot as a litter box...

*When I am standing at the cash register with my money in hand, ready to pay for an item in hand, and the sales clerk makes me wait while s/he picks up the phone and has a long conversation about something that they do or do not have in the store with a person who may or may not ever be standing right in front of said-clerk with money in hand...

* When people drop their lunch boxes and bookbags on the floor right in front of the door, literally jumping over them to get into the house, without realizing that some of us are neither as nimble as they are nor as inclined as they are to think that this is a normal and proper thing to do...

* When slow people drive in the left lane.

* When certain labrador retrievers find their way into the RV overnight and pull the big boys' formerly safely-stored socks underwear and pillows all over the front lawn.

* When people are twelve inches from the laundry basket and throw their dirty clothes on the floor right beside it.  (What is with that?)

* When people go up the slide and block me from sliding down.

* When I write a six paragraph e-mail that gets zapped to Neverland because this ancient laptop is so schizophrenic...

* When I have a million pictures to share and a kazillion things to say, but my (thank goodness temporary, but lousy) computer set-up won't allow me to download from my camera and my old laptop is too cantankerous to absorb and utilize pop-up blocking super-heroes...

* When I can't blog or write anyone without fearing that I have a contagious disease that I may be spreading to others' computers! 

(AGH!  I'm dreadfully sorry, folks, if I've done this; it's awfully strange, but some people are getting messages that some kind of "malware" is coming through on the blog.  Which seems very odd, indeed, because it seems that if that's happening, it must be Blogger that's infected. How could it go from my computer to a general space like Blogger? But, I really don't know...  I'm very ignorant about these kinds of things.  If anyone out there knows anything about this stuff, let me know, ok?)

=sigh=  Anyway... This list was way too easy to write.  I may be needing an attitude adjustment...

Next time:  Things That Don't Drive Me Crazy

Oh And...  I haven't forgotten about homeschooling vs. conventional schooling vs. boarding away.  I'm working on it, but have decided I need to wait for my new computer to come so I can finish up the post without going crazy -- and so I can have pictures...  Thanks for being patient. :)


  1. So far I've not had a problem with you blog...And I to hate public figures and commentators who presumably have been educated in the language yet still use the word busted instead of broken!!! YIKES!!! Wishing you well! Cathy

  2. Cathy! Glad your connection to Lisa's blog isn't busted....

    Oddly enough all those things drive me crazy too!
    What is WITH the hairbrush??!!!!! Girl absolutely hates having her hair fixed...but you should hear her whine when told to leave MY brush in MY room!!!!!

  3. Me too, me too, on ALL points!!

    My internet savvy friend informed me that there was possible malware on my site and it turned out to be the Catholic Mothers Online blogroll, FYI. I haven't even looked to see if you still have it.


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